Friday, February 24, 2012

Ni Hao, Wo Jiao MAP

Map running around at home

Map was now attending Chinese playgroup.  Daddy and Mommy believed Chinese would be very useful in the future for Map.  Since our family did not speak Mandarin, the only way for Map to pick up the language was to immerse her in Chinese speaking environment.  And what best would be to start her as early as possible.  In Map's Chinese playgroup, the majority of the children were from Chinese-speaking families.  Map's Chinese teachers did not speak much English, so Mommy had to rely on other mommies who speak both Chinese and English to translate what the teachers were saying.  For one and a half hour, the class was conducted entirely in Chinese.  All the nursery rhyme songs were all in Chinese.  Well, it was certain Map would be picking up Chinese much faster than Mommy from this class.  

A lot of babies in the class had both English names and Chinese names. Maybe we had to come up with Chinese name for Map - just for fun.  

Playtime at Chinese playgroup

Today class was about the color pink - 'fen hong se', so all babies had to come to class dressing in pink.  There were a lot of pink stuff in the classroom today.  

Map busy playing with a doll
Can you tell I'm not Chinese?

So many toys 

Map and her main Chinese teacher

Could you guess what was the first Chinese word that Map spoke?  It was 'wa wa' for doll.  Today she saw dolls in class and started saying 'wa wa'.  The teacher had taught her 'wa wa' the other day. 

With one of the mommies

The class

Map looking at the teacher

Playground time

The class at the playground

Peekaboo, can you see me?

Catch me if you can

Practicing going up and down the stairs

What should I cook for lunch?

I'm taking this truck with me
Hey you over there!
I'm frying greenpepper
Mommy, do you think there is enough oil in this pan?
Playing with tunnel after the snack time

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