Sunday, March 18, 2012

Map and the Flu

Map had just recovered from a flu. She got it from a friend at swim class. The first day she started to eat less.  By the second day, she had high fever with temperature of 40c.  Mommy and Daddy were very worried, so we took her to emergency room at Mount Elizabeth hospital - which was very close to home.  The doctor gave suppository to lower the fever - within 15 minutes the fever came down.  The medicine must be very strong.  We had to give baby paracetamol to Map when the fever was below 39c and suppository when fever was above 39c.  The next 2 days after that Map's high fever happened only at night.  But by 5th day, the high fever happened during the day too.  Mommy was very worried because three days after we went to the hospital, Map was not getting better and starting to cough as well.  So we took Map to see Map's pediatrician - Dr. Siva at Kinder Clinic.  Dr. Siva gave more medicine for Map.  By this time, Map had to take around 6 medicines each time.  It was so heart wrenching to hear Map cry so much because she didn't want to take medicine.  Fortunately, our helper - Ja - was very good at giving medicine to baby.  Ja had an iron grip that Map could not wriggle free.  Mommy swore she would lift Map and run away from anyone who cough nearby from now on, because it was so horrible to see Map really sick.  By day 10th, Map started to get better.  Map lost a lot of weight from not eating much during the time she was sick.  She would not drink milk and only ate applesauce.

Map during the evening walk - after recovering from the flu
Map posting for camera
Map, Daddy and cats
Hello, I'm Map
I'm waiting to pick Daddy up from the MRT station
Posting for picture
I'm so happy, Daddy is back from work
Walking back home after visiting cats
Daddy - wait for me!

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