Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Amazing Prune Juice

Map had been having constipation problem since she converted from formula to cow milk after turning one-year old. But last weekend was the worst - Map tried to poo but nothing came out because the poo was so hard. She pushed untill her face turned red and then she cried. This happened 3 days consecutively, so Mommy called Map's pediatrician - Dr. Siva at Kinder Clinic in Paragon - to ask what to do. Dr. Siva - whom it seems to be the pediatrician for half of kids in Singapore (he's very popular)- suggested to give Map glycerine suppository to help clear out the hard poo left inside. Then have Map drink prune juice, eat more vegetable and fruits like papaya, banana and mango.

Prune juice

Mommy tried giving Map prune juice first because the suppository looked intimidating. Because the prune juice was quite sweet, mommy mixed 50% prune juice with 50% water. And voila, 2 hours after taking prune juice, Map pooed without struggle and her poo became quite soft. No need for glycerine suppository. Prune juice was amazing. Since then for the last 4 days, Map had been taking prune juice (30% prune juice, 70% water) everyday and there was no more constipation problem. Thanks so much prune juice!

Map drinking prune juice during the day

Today was Tuesday again and Map had Gymboree class at 2:35pm. Mommy and Map went earlier to Tanglin Mall, where Gymboree was located, to go shop for Map's black formal shoes to wear to Christmas brunch on Sunday and to Auntie Kalpi's wedding in India in Feb.

Map waiting to try on shoes

At Gymboree class, there were few babies today - only 6. But there were familiar faces like Sasha and Maddie. The class was about socialization. During the busy box time, when the instructor took out the box of toys and had the babies went there to get some toys, Map got her toys and went to sit on the lap of Maddie's mom - who sat right next to mommy. Map was stunned when she turned her face and saw mommy next to her. Map immediately left in a hurry to come switch to mommy's lap. Maddie's mom laughed and laughed.

At Gymboree class

Row row your boat

Just got out of tunnel

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