Monday, December 5, 2011

Lazy Monday

Map checking out camera this morning

Today Daddy left for Japan on a one-week business trip. Daddy - Map misses you already.

Also today is Father's Day in Thailand - Happy Father's Day, Thai Grandpa!

Not much happening today. After breakfast, Map went to Mustafa for grocery shopping with Mommy and our helper - Ja. Because of the trip to Mustafa, Map napped later than usual - 1:30pm instead of the usual 12pm. Then woke up at 3:30pm and had lunch. After that it was all playing, reading and taking a walk to visit cats.

Map's reading small books of animals - a gift from Myra

Playing with her dolls in the house tent

Since today is uneventful - let's talk about Map's 13 and a half month milestone. At 13 and a half months, Map can do the following:

- Walk very fast
- Go up and down the stairs (with help from someone)
- Say some words like
  • ka (for cat)
  • dug (for dog)
  • duck (for duck)
  • ja (for Mommy, Daddy and Ja)
  • bir-bir (for bird)
  • yippee yappy (for happy happy)
  • eye (for eye)
  • ai-ya (for ai-ya)
  • hi (for hi)
  • bye (for bye)
  • bye (for bad. Map thought Mommy said "bye" when she said "bad" after Map did something naughty.)
- Play peekaboo
- Clap hands
- Stomp feet
- Twirl
- Dance
- Eat with hands
- Feed herself with spoon (but Mommy has to put food in the spoon)
- Drink juice/water from a cup with lid
- Wave bye bye and blow flying kisses (though the kisses are usually got stuck to her mouth)
- Give kisses on the cheek when anybody solicits one from her.
- Point to eyes when being asked for eyes
- Simulate pig nose when being asked for nose
- Take a piece of cloth and start cleaning the floor
- Open velcro
- Zip and Unzip anything with zipper
- Hail a cab

What Map hasn't been able to do yet - but aim to do soon:
- Drink using straw
- Drink milk in a cup
- Wean from Mommy's milk
- Feed herself completely on her own

Noted how Map loves to sit in tiny space/box - this one is her toy basket. She once tried to sit inside Mommy's tiny cosmetic bag (without success).

Playing with toys in her room before going to bed

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