Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mischievous at Gymboree

Map dancing video from this morning

This morning, Map woke up at 8:30am. Had breakfast - Cheerios cereal, milk, vanilla yogurt and mango. Followed by half of a banana for mid-morning snack. After, it was all play and play some more.

Lunch was Pad See Ew, which is stir-fried rice noodle with dark soy sauce, pork and Kang Kong (vegetable). Map can now eat what mommy eats.

In the afternoon, Map went to Gymboree class. Every Tuesday afternoon, it is time for Map's Gymboree class. Map was in "Play and Learn" level 3 class for 10-16 month babies. There were a lot of kids today but most of them were younger than Map - very obvious because they haven't started walking yet.

At Gymboree class

Parachute time

After a while, Map was too cool to follow the instructor - so instead of doing whatever the instructor wanted all the babies to do, Map would do her own thing. Even after mommy had dragged her back to join in the class, she would immediately venture out to do her own thing again. Should mommy be worried about how stubborn Map will be soon?

Out and about doing her own thing - instead of joining in the class

Ball is more fun

I'm too cool

Mirror, mirror - who's the naughtiest of them all?

When we came back, Map had mid-afternoon snacks - mango and breadsticks. To date, Map only likes eating a few kinds of fruits - apple, pear, orange, mango. Today, we have discovered that Map was now ok with banana again. Map used to like banana at 5-6 months old, but after 7 months old Map would spit it out every time. Today, Map saw Ja, our helper, eating banana in the morning, and asked for it - and Map ate half banana! This is a new milestone! Baby is ever-changing.

Just coming back from outside

Playing and playing

What a surprise that it didn't rain today. It has been raining everyday in November and December in Singapore. Map took advantage of nice weather by going out strolling after 5:30pm.

Out for strolling with her Korean dolls

On the way, Map met Sasha and Freddo - the two dogs from Apt 901. Sasha (black cocker spaniel) gave Map a lick.

Met Sasha and Freddo

A stroll would be incomplete without a visit to cats. So, here Map was - visiting cats. But there was only one cat today - and the cat was napping. Where were the other cats? Sometime there would be 10 cats here outside Newton MRT.


Map and Cat

Going back home after the stroll

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