Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A visit to the nursery (for plant, not for Map)

Today Map woke up early at 7:30am, so we could squeeze in a morning stroll before the weather got very hot. It was so hot here in Singapore.

Out for morning stroll

Map's breakfast today was Cheerios cereal, milk, vanilla peach yogurt and banana.

Our house plants

Since Map woke up so early, there was a lot of time left in the morning after breakfast and before the morning nap. Something needed to be done with the house plants - we had been procrastinated for sometime. It was quite obvious to Map that the house plants were all getting yellow. Our helper - Ja- had proven to have very un-green thumb.

Yellow palm trees which are now very yellow

To improve the situation, maybe a bit of fertilizer, new soil and mommy's thumb (instead of Ja's thumb) could help. So, off we went to plant nurseries.

There were a lot of plant nurseries along Thomson road, Map counted more than five. After browsing a few stores, we decided to buy from the third one - Hawaii Landscape - because their plants looked good and the price was reasonable (more than the first two stores).

At the plant nursery

After purchasing new plants, many bags of soil and fertilizer, as well as porcelain pots and matching dishes, Map came home and took a nap.

Lunch was Kang Kong soup with grounded chicken + rice. Map apparently hated it because she spitted it out immediately and refused to eat any. So, what to be done was to cook something else for Map. Scramble egg works every time.

In the afternoon, Map went to try out music class at Gymboree. It was the open house this week, so the music class was free. It was a lot of fun, but again Map rather did her own things than following the instructions.

Map eyeing Erin playing drum

In the music class

Playing with the beaded drum

Move the ball with music

I'm stealing the ball from the instructor

Map had a lot of funs in music class. But mommy thought money was better spent on something else - it just looked like we could play music for Map and let Map play with all these balls, colorful clothes and drum at home - all for free.

On the way back home, Map and mommy got into a taxi. The driver was the meanest Singapore taxi driver we had ever encountered in the last 10 months we were here. He refused to let Map eat or drink milk in his taxi. We had never had this problem before - every taxi before this one was always ok with a baby eating/drinking. And he told mommy to next time feed Map first before getting on a taxi. What right did he have to not allow a baby to eat or drink milk in a taxi??? It was so heartless of this man!!! Baby had much less control than adult on their emotion or needs. If babies threw tantrum in the taxi because they were hungry, why couldn't mother feed them? Mommy had always clean after Map's mess in every taxi we went into. Everybody in Singapore - be aware of this mean taxi driver -- his license plate is 408.

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