Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Playdate from the US

Today was Sunday. Daddy's friend's from the US - uncle Venkat - and his family were transiting in Singapore on the way to India. So they dropped by to visit us. Uncle Venkat has a 4-year old boy - Aditya. Map immediately went to play with him.

Playing with Aditya

However Aditya was at the age when he found playing with the younger kids uncool. Map wanted to play with him, but Aditya rather played by himself. So at one point, Map was in tears after Aditya refusing to give Map her animal toys, that he was playing with, after she asked for them multiple times. Alas kids! After a while Map started glaring at Aditya. Didn't know that baby at 14 months could show that she was mad at someone.

Aditya then pulled his father aside and told his father to let's leave because Map was not his friend. His father told him that if he was not nice to Map, then he would not have any friend. Aditya told his dad it was not true because he had a lot of friends at school.

Guess, their 3 years age gap was too much for them to play together successfully.

Map glaring at Aditya

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